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O renomia network


je síť sdružující vázané zástupce společnosti RENOMIA, a. s., a samostatné pojišťovací zprostředkovatele podle zákona o distribuci pojištění a zajištění. Tato síť nabízí efektivní řešení pro zprostředkovatele pojištění, kteří se chtějí rozvíjet, zvyšovat kvalitu svých služeb a držet krok s dynamickým vývojem na mezinárodním pojišťovacím trhu. Členové RENOMIA NETWORK mohou využívat renomovanou značku a odborné znalosti největšího makléře na trhu.


RENOMIA NETWORK působí na českém pojišťovacím trhu od roku 2008 a v současnosti sdružuje přes 240 členů, kteří spravují pojistné přesahující hodnotu 5 miliard Kč.

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RENOMIA, a. s., mezinárodní společnost založená v roce 1993 v České republice, poskytuje komplexní služby v oblasti pojištění, risk managementu a finančních služeb pro firmy i jednotlivce. Společnost, společně s majetkově propojenými subjekty a členy sítě RENOMIA NETWORK, spravuje pojistné ve výši 21,4 miliard Kč nejen v ČR, ale i v zahraničí a zaměstnává více než 2 500 odborníků. Díky vlastním zahraničním pobočkám, partnerským sítím a dlouhodobé spolupráci s největšími světovými makléři poskytuje RENOMIA své služby klientům po celém světě.

Více informací o RENOMIA získáte na

Working at

This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.

Let people know what the business is looking for in candidates: experience, personality, education, certifications or other requirements.
If they'll need to submit samples of their work or other materials with their applications, let them know here.


This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

for Professionals

This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

for Students

This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.

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